Greenhouse structures designed and built by the Amish for the highest quality that lasts through every season.

About Our Amish Builder

Our website is here to support an Amish man reach out beyond his home to the rest of the US while preserving and respecting his way of life. This is intended to bridge his marvelous work to people who want a high quality greenhouses made by hand by experts.

Melvin is an Amish craftsman that lives an honest life with his family and takes pride in advancing his life with hard work and good quality skills. He started his career in greenhouse structures when he made his first greenhouse back in December of 2013. That winter he decided he needed a structure to grow tomatoes for the coming spring, and what better time to do it then before the dead of winter. On a cold day in the snow with the wind blowing, Melvin took his motor and hand tools and got to work building a greenhouse. With elbow grease and a lot of ambition, Melvin pieced together his structure with 2x6 wood pieces. All that work and Melvin was left with- a not very strong greenhouse. It wasn’t long before he watched a big gust of wind tear it to the ground.

Melvin didn’t quit from there. He was determined to provide for his family, and he did whatever he needed to get the job done. Adaptive to the task, Melvin figured out his own steel pattern and made each piece himself. This was his first steel greenhouse and yet it was a structure that was sturdy and well designed. He got it up and growing tomatoes that March and this greenhouse structure still stands today, growing his tomatoes for his family.

Melvin has since collaborated with other Amish communities involved with greenhouse structures and shifted to new designs as he matured in his expertise. If you decide to have him install your greenhouse structure, you will enjoy the knowledge and experience he has with farming and structure building. You may even want to ask him to build other structures after you meet him!